28 March 2011

Woke him up screaming two nights in a row

Poor Scott, it was his Spring Break last week, and he wanted to stay up late and sleep in until noon, and two nights in a row my screaming woke him up out of a dead sleep.

Normally I am not a screamer.  Not that kind, either.  ;-)  I am quiet and reserved just about all of the time.  Even nightmares don't set me to hollering.  I might be too scared to sleep without all of the lights on, but I rarely make any noise.

But last week.....well that was a different story.

The first night was totally Scott's fault.  HE was having the vivid dream, in which he was arguing with his brother, John.  To make a point about how serious he was, Scott pinched John's arm.  Only it wasn't John's arm.  It was me who got pinched.  Imagine you are blamelessly sleeping away, not hogging the covers, not stealing pillows, not taking up more than your share of the bed, when you are wakened up by your beloved viciously pinching you.  Yep, I woke up to the sound of my screaming (and a severe pain that ended up in a bruise).  Poor Scott was scared out of his mind from HIS deep sleep.  We laughed it off shakily and went back to sleep.

The next night I dreamed that I was in a bowling alley after hours (do not ask me why, I don't recall anymore, but as is always true in dreams, it made sense then).  Scott and the bowling alley owner were out in the parking lot discussing who knows what.  The bowling alley suddenly got dark as the security system kicked in.  Afraid that I would set off sirens I tried to hold still.  (see, quiet and unassuming)  But I heard the ominous sound of claws tick, tick, ticking across the floor.  I held my breath as they approached, and then I felt a large dog's breath on my face.  (I forgot to mention that for whatever reason, I was sitting on the floor)  I scrambled for my cell phone to turn on the flashlight, only to see a large Doberman Pinscher about to take a bite out of my face (he, too, was quiet and unassuming in his attempts to maul me!)  I grabbed his snout with both hands to keep his mouth closed, but he easily flicked my hands off of him and lunged for my face.  I tried to scream and nothing came out, so I inhaled deeply and let 'er rip.

Scared the holy bejezus out of Scott on that one.  Scared me, too.  He asked if I was okay, I apologized profusely, and we fell back to sleep.  With no more dreams and no more screams.  The next morning I explained my dream and we could not figure out what might have triggered such a dream.  We make terrible dream analysts, I guess.

Luckily, the next couple nights were scream-free.  Which is fortunate, since I think Scott would have suggested I sleep on the couch if I did THAT again!

Sweet dreams to you all!


  1. SCARY! That 2nd dream! I know that feeling, that dream feeling (nightmare feeling), of screaming with no sound! As far as I know, though, I have never successfully screamed out loud in real life....

  2. According to Himself the only uttering I've ever made while asleep is staating quite clearly that "I am NOT a raccoon!". I'm glad we got that straightened out.
