15 January 2011

Nearing the end

This photo was taken in May or June of 2010.  Just 6 months ago.  We (Scott, Jeremy, and Jenn and I) had gone to visit Libby who was recuperating from her broken hip in a nearby nursing home.  Libby wasn't in any pain, and was able to talk and laugh with us while we visited.  I like this photo because it is one of the last ones that show Libby really "with" us.

I wrote a big old blog and then deleted it, because nothing is coming out right.  The short version (if I can keep this one short) is that it is a matter of hours now.  I'm heading off to sit with her (is that a woman thing?  an East Coast thing?  all I know is that Scott and Marv see no reason for me to do it, and I can't imagine NOT doing it) in a few hours, and will stay until the end or they send me home.  I'm guessing I am over my cold enough for it not to be a problem for anyone else in the house, and I don't think it's going to matter to Libby's health, one way or the other.


  1. It's a woman thing and it's the right thing. Good girl

  2. I'm sorry to hear this Kate. Hugs and good thoughts to you and Scott!


  3. kate, you are keeping vigil. it's a very ancient natural thing to wait with someone you love until she's gone.

    that is a great photo. you can really see her strength and character. she had things to say.
